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Индивидуальный запрос

С заданными параметрами расчет выполнить не удалось. Оставьте заявку на индивидуальный расчет, мы ответим в течение часа.

д. Михалково, 25 км а/д Балтия, п/о Архангельское, торгово-складской комплекс, лит. 1Б 143420 Московская область, г. Красногорск
+7 (800) 551-18-12
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Our managers on a regular basis are ready to provide you information about the status of your cargo. We have created a 24-hour monitoring system for client orders - МАР (Major Access Point), In order for you to feel confident and comfortable in a large flow of information.

  • MAP is an internal system for recording orders and quality control of services provided, which allows our customers to receive information on various sections in real time via the Internet.

  • To work with MAP, you are given a personal password which gives you the right to access all information about your cargo transportation through a secure data transfer protocol.

  • MAP provides reports on the status of current orders and requests, history of work with orders, reports on payments and advance payments, various sections on the quality of services provided.

  • At your request, we can develop personal analytical reports in a form convenient for you.

  • The MAP shows the contacts of your personal managers and indicates their area of ​​responsibility. If the main manager goes on vacation, the information about the person replacing him will be reflected in the system. You can always leave your feedback and wishes, which immediately get to the president of the company and the quality department for further development.

  • The MAP reflects the latest and most current news from the world of logistics, as well as information intended for you personally. Our customers always have up-to-date information about new products, opportunities and Major special offers.

  • Our clients have a unique opportunity to place their orders and requests directly through the system.

  • Our own staff of developers and IT analysts allows us to quickly respond to the needs and wishes of our customers.